I built some new pcs during this week. After some pcs joined the domain and login with a domain user, the pc is rejecting to create a profile, gave me a temporary profile, therefore all user document folder and user setting will be deleted after a restart. I did some clean up under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList, I deleted all SID under that, such as "S-1-343432432-11112". And I restarted the PC. It won't works. The pc is still cleaning up the profile every times I restarted the pc.
I found the "hacked" solution. I open "regedit" and to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\Current Version, Find the SID with the value of ProfileImagePath has "C:\User\Temp" [ or any value for your temp profile path]. And then I changed the state value under that SID to 204.
Then after the restart, C:\User\Temp is become my user profile path.
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