Archives for: "December 2014"
HP Stream 13 - Light weight and Stylish Budget Laptop
A week ago, I bought a budget laptop. It was only HKD$2010. That is only a bit more expensive than a tablet, so I don't expect much. Well, actually it offered a lot. It comes with Windows 8.1 and 1 year subscription of Office 365 + 1TB One Drive. That… more »
Powershell running as a schedule task
That is possible to set as a schedule task. You can use the following command line: powershell -Set-Executionpolicy bypass - file test.ps1 Please remember to set Set-Executionpolicy bypass. It can avoid the confirm message. more »
Hand-on for Android Studio 1.0
I was using Android Studio 0.6. In general, UI has not much changed. However, I found there are more code refactoring feature, such as generating test, create constructor and implement the interface. Those make our life easier and code faster more »
Android Studio 1.0 is released
Android Studio 1.0 is released after long period of beta. Although I am very happy about pre-release version, that is so good to have a final version. Finally, we have an IDE design for Android Developers! more »
How to make read only text field in xcode
I spent about half hour to find a read-only property for Text field in xcode. There is no such function. Should I modify text change event to reject any user typing? Actually, the most proper way is to uncheck user interaction enabled under the… more »
Java Problem on OSX Yosemite
I tried to run my Android Studion in Mac after I upgarded to OSX to Yosemite. I got this error message: To open 'this Java application' you need to install the legacy Java SE 6 runtime." Even I installed java sdk, that is not working. To overcome this… more »
Operand for NSDecimalNumber
decimalNumberByDividingBy: more »
Omni ROM in Galaxy S3
My Galaxy S3 is aging now. That is running Android 4.1 which is quite old. I flashed my phone with a new ROM. I chose OmniRom more »
MenuItem Icon - WPF
I tried the icon attribute in MenuItem. It doesn't work.Actually, you need to modify the header element like this: XML<MenuItem Name="GridButton" Visibility="Collapsed"… more »
WPF TextBlock Click Event
Actually, for WPF TextBlock Component, there is no click event. The best replacement is Mouse Down Event,
Like this:
Codetext1.MouseDown += text1_MouseDown; more »