Surface Pro 4 is trying to have two external monitors.
Recently, I got a request from my client. She wants her Surface Pro 4 to have two external monitors as soon as possible. The easiest solution is to get a docking station, but the dock station is not available in our local stores, around $300. It costs a fair amount of money. In the end, my solution is to use the mini-display and using USB 3.0 adapter to convert the USB 3.0 to HDMI. I found the issue because Surface PRO 4 can have two external monitors, but one of them required the duplicated screen for the surface pro. Therefore, it only supports two screens. Luckily, that is not the problem for my client. She is only two external monitors, and she did not require the main screen at the Surface Pro, which is too small for her. But that means Surface Pro 4 CPU is only supporting two screens unless you get a docking station that has its graphic card inside.
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