Tag: "android"
Finally, I fixed the Kies restarting problem
I have tried to fix the Kies restarting problem. I have uninstalled some applications, but it did not fix the problem. I finally I copied all data in the internal and external SD. And then I formatted the sd cards. Finally, all works now! more »
Tags: android
Near Field Communications On Android.
Android 2.3 added a feature calls Near Field Communications(NFC). Therefore you need to put your phone near a NFC enabled sticker or posters, you can read the message inside the NFC enabled stickers or posters. Please watch this video(9:55) from… more »
Tags: android
Android 2.3 is released
We were waiting for Android 2.3 for long time. This week, Google finally released Android 2.3. There are a few key improvements: - better and faster UI - a new soft keyboard - a one-click cut-paste - More gaming supports - support WebM and VP8 video. I… more »
Tags: android
Skype for Android finally released!
A few days, Skype released their "long waiting" Android Client. This is not a Lite Version,that is a full-version, which is similar with the one in iPhone and Windows Mobile.If you have a phone with Android 2.1 or above with 3G/wifi,you can use… more »
Tags: android
Finally Android Market goes "Globally"
Source: OpenClipArt under Public Domain License Finally, Android Market did an improvement we were waiting for so long. The Android Market supports more countries! Now, the people from 32 countries can buy the apps from the Android Market. And the… more »
Tags: android