Archives for: "August 2014"
Static Cell Table with sub view
I created an app which is using static table in iOS. Moreover, I tried to plug in a sub view for autocomplete should be underneath a text box. [self.view addSubview:autocompleteTableView]; But I found it will break the layout. The subview will be… more »
Tags: io
PHP Error:call to undefined function json_decode()
Source:Open Clip Art Using Under Public Domain Attribution I just moved a website to a new server. During the first test, I got an error :call to undefined function json_decode(). That is simple, because by default, my new server has not enable json… more »
Price disappeared at Virtuemart
I found the price in all products at my virtuemart are disappeared. I checked all products have price and the template has the price field too.
I figured the problem in Currency. Please check VIrtuemart-> Configuration-> Currency and make sure Positive… more »
Joomla Form Engine: chrono forms
I like to use chrono forms for building forms in Joomla. That is very powerful, you can have form to email functions and all forms elements, such as text box, option box and drop down box. Moreover, the administration interface is very easy to use. You… more »
More free space in OneDrive
Source:Open Clip Art Using Under Public Domain Attribution A few days ago, I got an email from Microsoft. My OneDrive has upgraded to get 15GB space. That is cool. I can did more sync on my photo! more »
Tables Function in TinyMCE at Joomla
By default, Joomla is using TinyMCE in advanced mode. Even it calls "Advanced Mode", the functions are very basic, it is without any functions to control table, such as adding/deleting rows. Acutally, TinyMCE has this kind of functions, You do not need… more »