Tag: "android"
Wordpress for Android
Finally, there is an offical Wordpress app for Android. But that is very similar with wpToGo,such as managing the comments and adding new posts. But it got a better interface and bit more features. Comments It got an tags interface,included Comments,… more »
Tags: android
Android Team World Tour
After Google released their first Google Phone, their Android Team will go to a world tour. The team will stop at the cities Europe, North America, and Asia. But No Australia! Maybe, our market is too small. I have seen a lot of people using iPhone, few… more »
Tags: android
Create New Window in Android
You can jump to a new window by changing the content view. CodesetContentView(R.layout.second); But the type of Activity between two views must be same. In my case, I need to switch to a List view(Activity) from a normal window. I can't do by switching… more »
Google Nexus One
Google released their own branded phone, Nexus One. That is with 3.7" OLED screen and a 1GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon. So, it should be super fast, may be faster than iPhone 3GS too. The most impressive function is voice enabled keyboard. Rather than typing,… more »
Tags: android
Google Listen
I started to use Google Listen. It can search the podcast, even I found some Hong Kong Podcast too. Moreover, it can subscribe by using a URL of xml file. That is very good. I turned my Android phone to an "Internet Radio". more »
Tags: android