Archives for: "December 2019"
X Bows Keyboard - The unusal but comfortable keyboard
The X-Bows Keyboard started from the Kickstarter a few years ago. It has an unusual keyboard pattern, and it claimed to balance performance and comfort. That is a very attractive slogan. So, I bought one to test it out for USD$125 (Non-LED backlight… more »
RecyclerView only show one element
There is not listview in more modern Android SDK. The replacement of this is RecyclerView, that is more flexible, you can set the layout manager, such as LinearLayoutManager or GridLayoutManager, even you can build your own. But that is more powerful,… more »
Android Orm - Room
There are a lot of ORM for Android. Previously, I have used Ormlite. That is quite good. I got a new personal project of Android App. This is a good to look around new framework I can use. I found Google has their ORM layer. That is not form the… more »
Local DB for a small application in C#
I got some old applications which is using and nhibernation with sqlite. By these names, you can know those frameworks are very old. That is the time to modernize them. I have research some local database solution. You can use… more »
Angular CLI time out in .Net Core Project
I created the first project in Visual Studio 2019 in Mac. I have no problems, but when I tried to run it in my Windows box. But I got a runtime error for Angular CLI Timeout. I got exact same code of mac version. There should be no problems. After some… more »