Angular CLI time out in .Net Core Project
I created the first project in Visual Studio 2019 in Mac. I have no problems, but when I tried to run it in my Windows box. But I got a runtime error for Angular CLI Timeout. I got exact same code of mac version. There should be no problems. After some investigations, because my windows box is old, that is a five year old laptop. Although mac book pro is 6 year old too, but that is still running better than my windows box. Thus, the angular CLI still can compile the client front end within the default angular cli timeout amount. Therefore, I just need to increase the timeout for Angular CLI. Then I tried it, to increase the timeout of Angular CLI, you need to change startup.cs at the root level of project. please add this line of code after spa.UseAngularCliServer(npmScript: "start"); (should be line 70)
spa.Options.StartupTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(500);
Then my project is working
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