Android Studio 1.0 is released
Android Studio 1.0 is released after long period of beta. Although I am very happy about pre-release version, that is so good to have a final version. Finally, we have an IDE design for Android Developers!
Android Error : "must implement onFragmentInteractionListener"
I am building a new note pad app. I was trying to connect each fragment into the main activity. But I got an error,"must implement onFragmentInteractionListener".
I found the problem is I have to implement onFragmentInteractionListener in each fragment. e.g.
public class MainActivity extends Activity
implements NavigationDrawerFragment.NavigationDrawerCallbacks
Inside the class:
public void onNoteFragmentInteraction(String string){ | |
NoteDetailFragment fragment=NoteDetailFragment.newInstance("",""); | |
| |
| |
| |
// update the main content by replacing fragments | |
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager(); | |
fragmentManager.beginTransaction() | |
.replace(, fragment ) | |
.commit(); | |
| |
} |
Free Bootstrap Templates @ BootstrapZero
I found a good website for Bootstrap, BootstrapZero.. There are some starter kit to build a bootstrap website, such as a basic image slider website, admin console and silde bar website. Moreover, there are a number good free bootstap templates, such as a google plus like and facebook like templates. All of them are free of charge under a MIT License. I found there are enough resources to build a website. I do not need to buy other stuff online.
Example Codes for Bootstrap - BootSnipp
As you know, I am learning about Bootstrap recently. I read their tutorial, that is great! I learnt a lot. Moreover, I really need to see some examples. I found a very good website for this purpose, BootSnipp. There are a lot of example design elements using Bootstrap, including all essential elements to build a website, such as Panel Table and Accordion menu. That is very very useful!
Error : NoSuchMethodError:;)
After I updated the android studio and I run my project, I got this error: NoSuchMethodError:;). I cannot build the project. The problem is the old protobuf jar still in lib folder. Then just delete the file, protobuf-2.4.1.jar in [drive]\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\lib. All should be working fine now.