Tag: "android"
onListItemClick is not working
You need to build a sub-class of ListActivity. Then you can override onListItemClick more »
Tags: android
Android Layout XML File is case-sensitive!
In the most situation, XML file is case-insensitive. I thought that is the same case as Android Layout XML. There is no different between and . There is a run-time exception thrown about the invalid "" element. I changed to . Then everything is fine. I… more »
Tags: android
Android - On Screen Notification
In the C# Wolrd, we always use "MessageBox.Show (String)" to generate on screen notification (Pop-Up Message Box). In the Android, it has a similar thing calls toast. That is a small square box on the screen. Well, this is not just a single line of… more »
Tags: android
Android 4.0
Apple has announced iPhone 4S and iOS 5 update. I need Google to response this news too! Last week, they has announced Galaxy Nexus and Android 4.0. That is the new generation of Google Phone! Moreover, that is the first Android which can use in Tablet… more »
Tags: android