[Android] OCR with Google ML Kit
Recently, I am playing with OCR with Google ML Kit. A few years ago, I wish OCR in my mobile app, I want to extra some text from the images. That was very very hard to do. Either I need to use some opensource projector in a web server, and the app will post the image to my web api to do OCR. Or I need to buy some expensive libraries to do that. But Now, I can use Google ML Kit to do that. I just need to import library in gradle. And then I need to create an instance of TextRecognizer. Finally, I need to call a method with the image to do the OCR. I can use do that on the device or with CloudAPI. If I choose to do that on the device, that is completely free. Even I use the cloud API, I got first 1,000 users are free. That is a good deal. That is a good choice for an indie developer as myself
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