Archives for: "January 2012"
Virtuemart supports Joomla 1.7
Virtuemart is my choice for shopping cart. It can integrate with Joomla. But that only supported Joomla 1.5 before, even version 1.7 is the market for a few months. Yesterday, I saw there is Virtuemart 2.0, which supports Joomla 1.7. That is great!… more »
Wikipedia will back down soon
Wikipedia will back down soon. They will shutdown on 05.00 UTC , today(18/1/2012), for 24 hours. That is protesting Protect IP Act in US.Please find the further details in here. more »
Windows Service Tutorial 1
This tutorial is to build a simple Windows Services. 1. Create a Windows Service Project, File->New->Project 2. Please add these codes into Services1.cs Codeprotected override void OnStart(string[] args){ EventLog.WriteEntry("Example… more »
A Hoax about Whatsapp New Services Charge
I got a same WhatsApp message from a number of friends. The message is about WhatsApp will charge for their service unless you are a frequent user. And it asks you to forward that message to 10 people. I checked the official blog of WhatsApp. That is… more »
An opensource PDF Printer
There are a number of ways to create a pdf file by using open source software. For example, openoffice can export their document files into PDF. But How's about others file type? For example, how can I export a web page into PDF? I found the best way is… more »
Commons Library in C#
In the Java World, we have a set of library, Commons, from Apache. They provide a lot of cores functions such as email, logging and validations. In our .Net World, the open source community build a set of Commons Library. They provide a lot of cores… more »
Another Captcha Plug-in in Joomla - OSOLCaptcha
Previously, I used "Joo ReCaptcha". That is very a good plug-in. But ReCaptcha got a bug in IE. When its captcha text field will disappear when I use jQuery.blur() or focus(). I used superfish menu. It used these two jQuery methods a lot. When I show… more »
Wordpress 3.3.1 is released
Wordpress 3.3.1 is released. That is only a security and maintenance update. That is not much update! Please click here to download the latest version or use the update function in your wordpress dashboard. more »
"Invalid attempt to call Read when reader is closed" in LINQ DataContext
I got a lot of error from a LINQ DataContext, such as "Invalid attempt to call Read when reader is closed" . That is because I was using a singleton for DataContext in a multi-threads. The codes like that: Codeprivate static ExampleDataContext… more »
Mutex Lock Example
I have written an example project in C#. This example will shows how to use Mutex Lock. Moreover, it will demonstrate how to create a thread with parameters. Please click here to download. more »
Please remember to use "System.Timers.Timer" in Windows Service
I am implementing a Windows Service. I did a foolish mistake. I opened the design view of windows service and drag-and-drop the Timer from toolbar. Because I need the windows service to execute some code periodically. I found the timer won't triggered… more »