Glassfish Server for NetBeans
I tried to add a Glassfish Server to NetBeans. It needs the actual path where the server is siting in. I used "apt-get" to install my glassfish instance. I have totally no ideas where the server installed. I found that is in "/usr/share/glassfishv2". If you have the same problem, that is very easy to find the server path. Just these two steps:
1. sudo updatedb
- Update the database with the file paths.
2. locate asenv.conf
- That is a config file under {glassfish server}/Config.
My first android program
I have written a tiny game in Android. That is my frist android progam. The game is very simple to guess what number the computer picked. But it shows how to use event handler.
Get the instance of control
That is easy. You need to put the findViewbyId in OnCreate;
txtNumber = (EditText) findViewById(; |
I am a hardcore Java man.
Until this moment, I believe I did more jobs in C# rather than Java (included professional job and other hobby kind things), but I am still a hardcore Java man. Using C#, because Windows is a key OS in the area of general public. This is very hard to persuade my friends installing JRE. In contrast, this is easier to say, "Yeah, let's install .Net, that looks like a plug-in for your OS." That is the major reason I did a lot of things in C#.
For Java, I think more comfortable with Java and my programs can be use my Linux and Windows boxes. Moreover, that is more opensource framework in Java than C#.
P.S. I love Joomla 1.5 so much, that is coding style looks like Java too.