Archives for: "July 2008"
Internet Radio
I saw an Internet Radio from ASUS. It can use LAN connection to listen more than 1000 stations. But the price is not very good for me, more than $200 more »
Programmer is not only a coder!
Programmer is not only a coder! We need to care about the quality of codes. The codes need to be readable and maintainable! We do not do coding only. more »
Optus Network was down
I am using Optus Mobile, home phone and boardband internet. This morning, I found I cannot use internet until around 2pm. Moreover, my mobile was not working as well. Afterward, I read the news a cable was broken this morning. A lot of QLD optus users… more »
Hard disk backup
I just went back from Hong Kong. I got an external harddisk around HKD$500 for 160GB. Well, I believe there is not many reasons for myself to burn DVDs as the backup method. I got a NAS at home. Now, I will create another copy in my external harddisk.… more »