UTF-8 Slug Issue on WordPress
In the past, my hosting server supports UTF-8 URL, I can use the chinese name as Slug in wordpress. In the past few days, there is a server upgrade, then UTF-8 does not support anymore. In the past, because I am lazy, blogging in my top priority, I left the chinese name in URL. I know that is not good for SEO. Also, it made all post links are not working anymore.
I found only way is to reset all post slugs with a random number. I know that affects SEO, it made all post links in search engine in not working.
At the end I ran this sql to reset all old posts,
update set wp_posts
set post_name = floor(RAND()*10)+15
where post_name like '%\%%'
That is a bad solution, but that is the best solution I had now. Now, I manually write 301 Direct for all popular posts I have aware to the new url.
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