Category: "Announcements [B]"
My dream came truth
I have talked about ASP.Net Tabbed page before.
I found Microsoft released their AJAX control, there are a tabbed page control
The link is here
I found a GPS in BigW, that's around $400. I am still thinking that's too much for me. Actually, GPS is not very useful for me. I only drive to busway, church and office. That is not usual to drive some new places.
No Real Tabpage control in 2.0
I found there are not any controls for tabpage in ASP.NET 2.0. Well, we can use multiviews with menu. Each item in the menu has the name of views. Finally, we catch MenuItemClick event and set activeindex based on MenuEventArgs Text. Yes , we do like that. But I don't recommend this method. Firstly, this is not programming effect. I needs to two control and a new event catch. Moreover, a postback is triggered.
I suggested to use the classic way, javascript and div to do the tagpage. This is no postback caused. This is very easy, Let's this good "how-to" example for show & hidden div, fromwith Imagination.
Mono supports .net 2.0
I have not visited Mono Project Page for ages. I found it supports .Net 2.0 too.
Go Mono