Tag: "joomla"
Not Displaying Template in Joomla Component.
Joomla is using the MVC Pattern. There is another feature. You can override display function in controller to trigger whether the controller will display the template. In the following example, I will not display the template when the form is submitted.… more »
Tags: joomla
How to reference a javascript file in a Joomla Component
I am writing two Joomla components during these few days. I got a problem, how to reference a javascript file in a Joomla Component. I used to do it in a cowboy way. I hard coded the path in the template! I should keep it inside the component! I found… more »
Joomla Download Manager
I have used a few download managers in Joomla, such as DocMan and jDownload. But my lastest favour is Phoca Download. First of all, that is a GPL component and Joomla 1.5 native. Moreover, so far, that is very stable application. I have not found any… more »
Tags: joomla
Joomla 1.5 encoding problem in chinese
I have used the fantastico at cpanel to create my joomla instance. I found I can't type any chinese characters, after saving, they became like "???". The problem is the collation in mySQL database is set to latin by default. My solution is create a sql… more »
Tags: joomla
500 - Layout "default" not found
I am writing my joomla component. In admin console, I got an error "500 - Layout "default" not found". That is because under views/[component name]/tmpl is missing a template file. The template must be named as default.php/ more »
Tags: joomla