Category: "Tips for PHP"
Joomla HTML Form
I found Joomla 1.5 does not allow you to add custom html form. I have tried sourcer and blank module. The blank module can create module box with custom html form at top of the page. But it can allow me to add the custom html form into an article. Anyway, that is simple and good, worth to try:,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,3668/Itemid,35/
I have nearly reaching the sucessful point. I went to configuration.php and changed
var $editor = 'none'; The form is created, but action attribute is cut out.
Finally, I put all code into a html file and upload to the server. A menu wrapper is created to grab the URL. That is a kind of work around.
I love JoomGallery. It has Juploader, so I can upload multi-files.
I love it!!!!,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,5481/Itemid,35/
WordPress 2.6.1 Chinese Encoding Problems
I have installed a brand new WordPress, it is all fine.
But when I enter some chinese, it will become "?????".
The solution for this is simple.
Please comment out these two lines in wp-config.php:
//define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
//define('DB_COLLATE', '');
egroupware is not very good for php 4.33
I have installed to two instances of egroupware.
One is on the server in web hosting company, this is using PHP 4.33.
Sometime, it will have HTTP 500 errror.
But in my PHP 5.1 server, that is complete good.
I am writing a simple web service interface for my own web photo album. I did Google search. You will tell me, PHP5 supports SOAP. Too bad, my web host company is still using PHP4(well, this is an option upgrade to PHP5, I still have not time to do that). Major options for PHP4, that is PEAR SOAP and NuSoap. I have used NuSoap before.Just I have checked their project page, the latest version is Aug ,2005. That seems to a bit old. Moreover, I wish to have a look other libraries too. Tonight I have a look on PEAR SOAP. That is fairly good. I have created an echo string application with my .Net 1.1. But that would hard for myself, because I am using third party webhost. PEAR SOAP required HTTP Request and NET Socket too. That would be a bit hassles to load them all into the live site. Well, the final decision is sticked with the old choice.